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White Lined Wicker Basket with handles toy storage or shopping and gardening Discount

Looking for White Lined Wicker Basket with handles toy storage or shopping and gardening ? if so, then you're on the right site, here you will find the best product. You can choose to purchase this product at the best price online with Secure Transaction, and best customer reviews, CLICK HERE!>>>....

White Lined Wicker Basket with handles toy storage or shopping and gardening

Rating: List Price: £16.99

White Lined Wicker Basket with handles toy storage or shopping and gardening Description & Features

A brillant basket, with many uses all around your home from the utility room to the bathroom and bedroom. great for parents and gardeners alike [ MORE DETAIL ]
White Lined Wicker Basket with handles toy storage or shopping and gardening features :
  • Size : Height 20cm (35 inc handles) x Width 40 cm x Depth 32 cm
  • White pinted wicker with cream or calico lining
  • The handles of this basket fold flat for ease of use.
  • Removable and washable lining.
  • A very usefull basket hand made with natural and renewable materials.

To ensure that you get the best price on White Lined Wicker Basket with handles toy storage or shopping and gardening - it is worth to looking at the price update Click Here!>>>


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